EAP Icon Employee Assistance Programmes

The employee assistance programme is a work-based counselling programme that has been designed to assist employees in resolving the problems which may be affecting their performance at work. Employee assistance programmes assist employees with issues like alcohol, substance abuse, child or elderly care, wellness and traumatic events like workplace violence.

The primary purpose of employee assistance programmes is to assist employees with coming up with resolutions to the problems that they may have. This helps employees understand and overcome their issues or difficulties regardless of whether the source is work-related.

Change in BMI distribution over time

Dr Williams will assist the organisation with:

  • Establishing an Employee Assistance Programmes (E.A.P.) and Wellness Programmes
  • Guiding interventions based on the disease profiles of the company (from the health screens) and on the disease risk profiles provided by the medical aid (if available)
  • Special Employee Groups Provide inputs into the support Programmes for employees with special needs, such as:
    • Pregnant and lactating.
    • Travellers (destination risks, travel risks, medicals & vaccination)

The benefit of employee assistance programmes includes improving productivity, reduces absenteeism, reduces accidents at work, improves work performance and increases work morale and harmony.


Dr Haidee Williams offers specialist occupational medicine services with an interest in developing evidenced based safety, health and environment policies and programmes. Expertise includes medical examinations, medical adjudication, toxicology, health based risk assessments, hazardous chemical substances, hazard communication and training and guidance on H,S&E legal compliance requirements.


Tel: 087 809 0054
Email: haidee@occupational-medicine.co.za
Twitter: @drhmwilliams